School of Choice

Middletown City Schools
School of Choice
Choice in Middletown City School District begins when you decide to raise your children in our community. MCSD offers students and their families a range of school choices. We are committed to preparing all students; allowing them to dream today so they can rise tomorrow.
School choice provides parents the option to apply to an elementary school other than their assigned neighborhood school, during an open application window. In MCSD, there is one elementary school of choice: Central Academy, which offers the core curriculum through Project Based Learning (PBL).
If you would like your student(s) to attend Central Academy, rather than their neighborhood school, please fill out the application. The building principal receives your application and someone will be in touch to update you regarding the status of your application.
For school choice, you do NOT need to complete the online application each year. Current students will be given the option to remain at their school of choice via communication from the school directly.
If accepted to Central Academy, transportation will be provided to students who live more than one mile from the school building.
Central Academy (Accepting Applications K-6)
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. This authentic learning provides them with real-world opportunities to collaborate, work on critical thinking skills, and dive deeper into the meaning behind their learning. Students are also then able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience of their peers and teachers!
Student Empowerment! Building Relationships! Multi-age Opportunities! Small School Environment!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long is the enrollment period for the "Choice"?
“Choice” will remain open until grade levels or classrooms reach a determined capacity.
Which schools fall under the "Choice" definition?
Parents can choose to enroll students in their neighborhood school or Central Academy (grades K-6).
What is the process for enrollment?
A parent must first enroll with their neighborhood school, and then complete the online application process to request enrollment at Central Academy. Once the application is reviewed by the school principal at Central Academy, parent/guardian will be notified of a decision. If the application is not approved, the student will automatically be assigned to his/her original neighborhood school.
Will transportation be provided?
The current transportation guidelines that are in place will be followed. If a student resides within 1 mile of the school they are attending, they are a walker. If they reside 1 mile outside of the school, the student will receive transportation.
The district reserves the right to change the transportation guidelines.