
MMS Athletics
The philosophy of athletics, in the Middletown City School District, considers athletics to the an integral part of the school's educational program which provides experiences that will help physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. We believe that by promoting sportsmanship at all levels, the athletic program instills pride and reinforces a sound value structure, and enhances the individual's self image, as well as the image of the school district and the community.
One of our goals is to develop athletes who demonstrate good sportsmanship. We believe that the basic rules of good sportsmanship consist of:
- Showing respect for opponents at all times
- Showing respect for officials and their decisions
- Knowing, understanding, and following the rules of the contest
- Maintaining self-control at all times
- Recognizing and appreciating skill in performances regardless of affiliation
We believe that being a spectator is a "privilege" and not a "right". It is a privilege to watch the educational process where teams demonstrate what they have learned in the athletic classroom. Spectators will be held accountable for good sportsmanship.
The mission of Middletown athletics is to extend educational opportunities so students can compete in a manner that promotes personal development, foster teamwork, and teaches importantlife skillsnecessary for becoming a valued member of society.
To provide a championship athletic program so that all MCSD students have the opportunity to excel in the Greater Miami Conference.