Wildwood Elementary News

How to Enroll/Register new students & kindergarten at Middletown City Schools
How to Enroll/Register your Child (Kindergarten, New to District) at Middletown City Schools (Cómo matricular/registrar a su estudiante en Middletown City Schools. Haga clic aquí.) Kindergarten, New t...

Official: Remote Start 2020-21
On Monday, July 20, 2020, the Middletown Board of Education voted to start the 2020-2021 school year in a remote learning environment due to the increased spread of COVID-19 in our community. Versión ...

Notice: Civil Service Test
The Middletown City School District will administer a written Civil Service test on the evening of Tuesday, August 4, 2020 to establish eligibility for Maintenance position(s) in the Middletown City S...

"Return to Learn" Plan & Guidelines
From the Desk of Marlon Styles, Jr., Proud Superintendent Dear Middies: The Middletown City School District believes the reopening of our schools should be a decision informed by applicable health and...

Black Male Superintendent’s 24 Hours of Joy & Pain - 3 Things
Press the pause button for just one minute. It is time for me to reflect on the last 24 hours of my professional life. I want to share my thoughts with you. My emotions include both joy and pain as...

"To Inspire" A Message from the Board of Education
Middletown City Schools stands united in the fight against racism. We are a district that emphasizes social justice and realize that we must be intentional in our work to fulfill our nation’s promise ...

"I believe in you." A Superintendent's Message of Hope
To our students, breathe. You represent the hope in this country that will ensure the fair treatment of all people. You represent not just change, but breath and hope. Yes, hope. For this reason, ...

Update #19: Athletics & Facilities
The Middletown Athletic Department is in constant communication with OHSAA and the Middletown Board of Health. We are excited by the news about sports opening back up, but we will take the proper amou...

Happy Retirement, Middies!
Cindy Higgins Ms. Higgins has been serving in Middletown Schools for 32 years, most recently at Amanda Elementary. Her greatest memories will always be the interactions with students because “no two d...

Update #18: COVID-19 Food Locations and Times
May 20, 2020 is the last day of the May meal pick-ups, but we will be back in June! Starting June 1 - June 30 (Monday-Friday, 10-11 AM), meal bags (breakfast and lunch) will be available from five of ...