
Students are engaged in rigorous instruction in Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math daily. Additionally, students receive an Intervention and Enrichment period to help bolster student achievement.
Number of Instructional Minutes by Subject
- Language Arts: 104 minutes
- Math:52 minutes
- Science: 52 minutes
- Social Studies: 52 minutes
- I/E: 52 minutes
Educational Apps and Links
Google (Website/App)
Middletown is a Google school district. All 4th-12th grade students have a Middletown Google account. Google Drive enables students cloud storage, file sharing and collaborating editing. Students have access to creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets and downloading apps to support their learning.
YouTube Edu (Website/App)
YouTube is not just for entertainment. There are many educational videos available to support learning in the classroom and at home.
Khan Academy (Website/App)
Students can make use of our extensive library of content, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos to support their learning in the classroom. (Website/App)
Base 10 Fun, Virtual Manipulatives, etc. Math practice and tools for exploring
Quizlet (Website/App)
Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes.
DOGO news (Website/App)
A source for current events, news and non-fictional articles for kids and teachers. DOGOnews may be used for language arts, science and social studies and current events homework help at home.
Typing Club (Website/App)
Master touch typing using this free game/educational program. This online program will assist you with learning and improving your typing speed.
Read, Write, Think (Website)
Fifth and sixth graders are making the exciting move to middle school. The materials here can help you make the most of their time outside of school.
Homework Planet (Website)
Homework Planet is designed to provide student support through K-12 teacher-reviewed resources. The company is dedicated to improving student achievement by providing teachers and students with a convenient way to discover and share resources that support the learning process.
RAZ Kids (Website/App)
RAZ-Kids is an interactive reading tool for our students to practice reading fluency and comprehension. The students have a log in and a password to get into their reading account. I am able to monitor the students' progress and change their reading level. Please contact your student’s teacher for their login information.
ParentAccess Center (Website)
Parent Access is a tool to help parents stay informed and engaged with their students’ education. Parent Access provides you with the ability to view your student’s attendance, academic progress, teacher contact information, and other daily information you need in order to support your child’s education. Contact your building for your registration code.