The parent organization – T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More,) provides input into school issues, and coordinates volunteers for the classrooms. TEAM also plans and manages fund-raisers in order to provide classroom materials, assemblies, and field trips.
How does T.E.A.M support our school?
Throughout the year, T.E.A.M plans programs and events oriented to fundraising. Please know that our primary events throughout the year require many volunteers and your support and contributions to make them successful. Other committees and programs like Market Day, box tops and Scholastic book fair are helpful in raising funds, as well.
Any money we raise by T.E.A.M programs is directly returned to the school and classroom teachers to influence the success of the learning environment at Central Academy. That's why our T.E.A.M. solidly supports our teachers' ability to deliver more to our children.
Please Volunteer!
While there are of course financial contributions throughout the year through our various fundraisers, the most important thing that the T.E.A.M provides are the many volunteers that not only help to run the events, but also assist in providing amazing assistance to our kids and help to make the learning experience complete. Volunteers help daily with classroom centers, computers, math, reading practice and writing workshop. Volunteers help throughout the year on special projects such as field day, portfolio making, bookmaking, book fair, and family nights.
Please consider becoming an academic volunteer, a library assistant, a room parent or classroom helper, for example. If you are unable to make the commitment to assist on a daily or weekly basis, please consider helping with special events throughout the year such as a book fair, our family cookout, Central Sensations or field day to name a few. There is nothing that helps our children more - and nothing that would be more rewarding for you! The help we provide also allows all of us as parents the opportunity to participate in our children's education in support of Central Academy teachers and staff.
If you have questions, please email T.E.A.M. or visit our T E A M website.
Meetings will be on the 2nd Mondays of the month at 5:30 PM unless that falls on a school holiday and then it will be held on the Monday before.
Watch for more fund raising opportunities!
Please contact T.E.A.M.with questions.