About Us

About Our District
Hello and welcome!
This is the official online presence of the Middletown City School District.
The Middletown City School District is well known for meeting the needs of all children. Curriculum improvement, instruction, and support services are the focal point of the district. To maintain a contemporary educational program, the course of study for each subject area is reviewed by a committee comprising teachers and administrators who recommend revisions to the curriculum and modernized instructional resource material.
The educational program also includes a variety of teaching methods, instructional programs, and extracurricular activities to meet students' special needs and interests:
- Midd State
- College Credit Plus
- 3rd-6th grade Gifted and Talented Education
- Advanced Placement® Courses
- Independent Study
- Music and Visual Arts Programs for grades K-12
- Honors Courses in core subjects and Foreign Language
- Advanced Art and Music Classes
- Award Winning Show Chior
- Central Academy (non-graded school)
- Social Justice Class
- All Day Kindergarten
- Collaboration with Butler Tech for Career Technical Courses
- Band/Orchestra for grades 6-12
- STEAM for grades 7-12
- Honors Diploma
- Award Winning Marching Band
- Greater Miami Conference Athletics