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Funding for Barricade Bucket Safety Project Completed

Middie Rising
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Funding for Barricade Bucket Safety Project Completed

Sep 22, 2023
Four women hold up large check for Barricade Bucket Safety Project.
Kiwanis Club of Middletown raised $8,500 towards the Barricade Bucket Safety Project.

Middletown City School District (MCSD) and its community partners Middletown Division of Police, and Atrium Medical Center Foundation, are proud to announce the Barricade Bucket Safety Project has been fully funded.

Thanks to community donations, a Barricade Bucket will be placed in all 465 classrooms across all 10 schools in the district. Middletown Middle School and High School teachers have already received their buckets, and project volunteers will begin building the elementary school buckets later this month.

Our sincere gratitude goes out to the Kiwanis Club of Middletown for raising $8,500 towards the project. The Duke Energy Foundation, Middletown Community Foundation, and Rotary Club of Middletown have also been instrumental throughout the process.

Stay tuned for one more big announcement for this community-wide effort to keep our students safe. Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goal!

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