Covid Update #5: Optional, school-based testing program

As part of steps to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep our schools open for in-person learning, the district is offering all students a free, optional COVID-19 Testing Program. If you’re interested in having your student voluntarily participate then you will need to OPT-IN to the program. Be on the lookout for a paper permission form coming home with your student/s. THIS IS NOT MANDATORY.
If you give your permission for us to regularly screen your student/s, our district nurses and health professionals will administer the rapid tests. You will also have the option to opt-in for symptomatic testing if your student develops symptoms of COVID-19 while at school.
If you are a part of the program and your student tests positive for COVID-19, we will provide the household with two Abbott BinaxNOW rapid tests while supplies last.
The opt-in program will begin the week of February 7, 2022.
To view/print a copy of the information and opt-in form, click here.