2020 Graduation Information

To Middletown High School’s Graduating Seniors, Juniors, and Parent/Guardians:
In light of the Covid 19 virus, the shut down order, the social distancing requirements, and the continued health threat, there are some changes to eligibility for graduation and our ceremony.
Eligibility for graduation is based on successful completion of the required credits.
Due to schools being shut down from March 16, 2020, students are not held to the test requirements, options, or pathways this school year. Therefore all eligibility rests on passing required credits. Please know that teachers, counselors, and administrators are making every effort to call students who have missing work to complete that was assigned prior to March 16. Our efforts to communicate regarding any deficiencies ensures that we will accept all work that is turned in late.
In keeping with the “eligible for graduation” language, we will hold harmless students from the work assigned during the school closure.
All work that is being completed during this time enhances learning, prepares students for future tests and life choices, serves as reflection, and provides meaningful clarity to this unprecedented time in history. However, with many of our students lacking reliable wifi accessibility, it would be inequitable and mean spirited to hold a grade hostage from a student during this time. Therefore, we will simply weigh this end of year effort on an individual basis and hold students harmless for situations out of their control.
- We all wish to honor our Middie graduates! Mark your calendar for July 9, 2020! (Rain Date = July 10, 2020)
The commencement ceremony is a rite of passage for graduates. However, at this point, it is unwise to have graduation in May and put people at risk. Therefore, we have established July 9, 2020 as our replacement date for graduation and July 10, 2020 as our inclement weather date. We do not know if we will be able to have a ceremony in the near future or if we will be forced to utilize an additional alternative. However, we are committed to honoring our graduates during this challenging time. Please be patient with us as we watch together for more direction from the experts. Also, watch for additional information that will be announced shortly regarding a virtual video celebration initiated by our Senior Class Officers!
Students in the Junior class who meet graduation requirements with credits are able to take advantage of the altered rules this year.
Juniors who have met or are close to completing all credit requirements will be contacted by their counselor. This year, there is an opportunity to solidify eligibility for graduation without having to complete tests, options, or pathways if completed by the end of September, 2020. We know that many will want to take advantage of this opportunity for early graduation.
We will continue to update you as quickly as possible. Stay safe. You are precious to all of us!
Mrs. Carmela Cotter