Update #11 COVID-19

Dear Middies-
How was your first week learning in the home? We missed you! A big thank you for all the positive remarks, fun pictures, and open-mindedness as we navigate our new normal together.
On Sunday, Governor DeWine ordered everyone to “Stay at Home” unless you have an essential reason to leave the house. The breakfast and lunch pick-up is essential, so the food pick-up will continue as normal! We changed a few of the bus stops, so make sure to review your stop here http://bit.ly/2QgHB34 or you can look out for the new yard signs we will place at each bus stop.
We have many fun things happening this week to keep your student engaged with their friends and teachers. Below are just a few examples.
Virtual Spirit Week: Many of our schools are hosting a virtual spirit week this week. Find the details on your school’s Facebook page, Twitter accounts, or Class Dojo/Google Classroom/Schoology/etc.
Virtual Scavenger Hunt: This Monday and Tuesday Mayfield Elementary will have a virtual scavenger hunt! Check your teacher’s Google Classroom for details.
Coloring Book Pages: Print off HERE or pick-up at one of our food stops.
Here’s how some of our teachers and administrators are getting by: with a little help from their own kids and fur-kids! Stay healthy, Middies! We are #MiddieRising
Things to Remember
We closed the Central/District Office (including enrollment).
- If you need to reach someone, you can call 513-423-0781 between the hours of 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon.
- Please start the process online (http://bit.ly/middie-kindergarten) and you will receive a confirmation that we have seen the online portion.
- Ex.: John Doe = jdoe@middletowncityschools.com
Free Wi-fi: For those with devices at home, Spectrum is providing free broadband for 60 days for households without existing service that have K-12 age children or college students to allow for remote learning opportunities. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. For more details, click the link.
- Butler County General Health District: (513) 863-1770
- City of Hamilton Health Department: (513) 785-7091
- City of Middletown Health Department: (513) 425-1818